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Park Material

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Viper Information

The Park Information
Themed Areas
Former Rides
SFGAm Food
Park Map
Opened 4/29/1995
Type Wooden
Manufacturer Six Flags Them Parks Inc.
Height 100 Feet
Height of drop 80 Feet
Length 3,458 Feet
Angle of first drop 53 Degrees
Speed 50 MPH
Duration 1:45
Location in park Southwest Territory
Capacity 6 riders per car; 5 cars per train; 2 trains; 1000 rider per hour
Height Restrictions At least 48 Inches

     This wooden coaster was introduced into the Southwest Territory in 1995. On this 80 foot tall wooden roller coaster you can experience high banked turns and drops with maximum air time. Travel at 50 miles per hour coiling through the 3,458 feet of track you will understand soon why they call it the Viper. This 2 minute clasic cyclone style coaster is sure to take your breath away.


Viper Pictures






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Viper Sign notice the "V" and "I" missing. I have heard that these letters are missing because a kid threw his basketball at them causing them to fall off 2 days before the park closed for the season.

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Viper with Raging Bull on the left

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