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Raging Bull Information

The Park Information
Themed Areas
Former Rides
SFGAm Food
Park Map
Opened 5/1/1999
Type Steel-Hyper-Twister-Sidless
Manufacturer Bolliger & Mabillard
Height 202 Feet
Height of first drop 208 Feet
Length 5057 Feet
Angle of first drop 65 Degrees
Speed 73 MPH
Duration 2:30
Location in park Southwest Territory
Capacity 4 riders per car; 9 cars per train; 3 trains; 1560 riders per hour
Height Restrictions At least 54 inches tall

     Introduced to the Southwest Territory in spring of 1999 Raging Bull deffinatly chalanges its riders. SFGAm's first hyper coaster and still the tallest and fastest in the park sends riders down a 200 foot first drop shooting into an underground tunnel at 73 MPH. This unique coaster has unusal trains that are one of the first of its kind, sidless. With not much to hold you in you feel as if you are flying on your own through the twisted 5,057 foot track at high speeds. This 2 minute 30 second ride is sure to bring you the thrills of a lifetime.


Raging Bull Pictures





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